I was gone for a few days last week. We dropped my youngest daughter off for her freshman orientation at college then travelled all the way down to Myrtle Beach for my nephew's wedding. My second daughter and son were both part of the wedding party. It was a fabulous wedding, but made for a whirlwind trip. And while we were travelling, my husband's neurosurgeon's office called him THREE times to reschedule his back surgery. It was originally set for this Friday, but after lots of finagaling and rescheduling due to the surgeon's schedule, it is now set to go for the following Friday, 9/16. That just happens to be my son's 20th birthday! LOL. Oh well, he is in a lot of pain and this needs to be done.
So all that to say, I'm back for now. I will be taking a little break from my CT duties after dh's surgery as I will not only be a home health nurse by profession, but also a personal home health nurse for my hubby.
I hope you all can join in tonight for the Speed Scrap at Stuff to Scrap. Lori and Heidi of Scraps 'N Pieces are leading it and Heidi has contributed nearly a full kit as the participation prize!

The details are on the flyer. Click on it to be taken to the speed scrap forum. Hope to see you there!